Lutheran Homes Group

Lutheran Homes Group is a Christian service organisation based in Adelaide, South Australia, ministering holistically to the elderly.


280 + staff

80 + contractor companies

800 + contractor documents collected


Aged Care


contractorCreated with Sketch.

Contractor Management

inductCreated with Sketch.



Lutheran Homes Group is a Christian service organisation based in Adelaide, South Australia, ministering holistically to the elderly. They are a large complex providing residential/independent living, lifestyle and wellness activities and palliative care services for hundreds of elderly residents and clients. They employ more than 260 staff and have over 30 contractor companies.

The challenge

Compliance of workers including employees and contractors engaged in various tasks on site was a challenge for the organisation to manage effectively.

Employee training to ensure thorough education on the organisation’s policies and procedures as well as standardised relevant occupational hazard training was required. Staff work across various activities and sectors of the home such as residential care, independent living units, palliative care and lifestyle programs such as the library services, coffee shop and activities program. The training solution needed to cater for the different needs of these areas.

Within the contractor management area the need to gain greater control over contractor compliance documentation was essential for risk control. The collection of various documents such as licenses and certificates was required.

The solution

Rapid Induct and Rapid Contractor Management software was implemented throughout the organisation.

Rapid Induct was set up as the primary online induction training platform for employees with 3 courses launched for employees encompassing Fire and Emergency Procedures, Infection Control training and Manual Handling education.

The most impressive function of Rapid Induct has been the ability to build learning programs that are specific to our Home for e-Learning and to be able to provide audio to this training. For those staff that require some assistance for their learning, to have both written/pictorial and audio has been fantastic.

Contractors are also provided with an induction course as an introduction to the Home’s policies and procedures and to provide a greater awareness of the safety culture to reduce risks associated with contractor engagement.

Contractor compliance is now managed through the online Rapid Contractor Management portal providing the contractors with the ability to register, complete an online pre-qualification e-form and upload their relevant documents as proof of their compliance status.

The results

Rapid Induct has transformed the Home’s employee and contractor learning program by providing an auditable trail of training compliance and enhancing awareness of company policies and procedures.

Our staff have been keen to log on and this has resulted in improved compliance with our mandatory training. The staff have found the process easy to log in and start the training at a time and place that suits them, especially as our staff work in a variety of different positions and times.

The reporting facilities within the online induction system has allowed the Home to view who has commenced a course and who has completed training, providing management with an easy to navigate a system that operates their training programs with minimal fuss.

Rapid Contractor Management software now houses all contractor information and provides the management team with the ability to view contractor compliance data instantly.

Contractor documents are collected through a method that requires the contractor company to register, undertake an online pre-qualification process and upload various documents and certificates. Documents such as company registration and licenses (ie. Builder’s license), Workcover Registration Certificates, Safe Work Method Statements, Safety Data Sheets and Public Liability Insurance certificates are all uploaded by the contractor. These documents are stored in the online system and verified by management with expiry dates automatically tracked and alerts sent when renewal is required.

The overall result is greater efficiencies for both the Management team and the contractor companies with all stakeholders now working more effectively towards compliance and risk control.

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We invite you to request a demo today, so we can show you how Rapid’s workforce management software can help you streamline contractor management and improve site safety.

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